Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekend Roundup May 5th & 6th

We had a very relaxing weekend! Jarrod and I have come to the realization that after becoming parents, our date nights are few and far between. We also have to be creative with what we do on our date nights (so we keep our babysitting budget down)... This weekend we decided to have a movie date night with all the fixings after Brayden went to sleep... It's nice he goes to sleep by 8:30 every night, so we aren't exhausted when he gets up at 6:30 in the morning. It's good for our sanity, marriage and relationship to have one-on-one time, it was much appreciated that's for sure! 
Love Date Nights... We celebrated Cinco De Mayo in style
After Church, I drove down to Salem with one of my very good friends Lindsey. She is the one on the right in the picture below. Our good friend Jessica is going to be having a baby boy named Marcus in the middle to end of June! We are so excited for her! She is going to be an amazing mom. For her baby shower I decided to make a diaper cake... I got one for my baby shower and thought it was the coolest thing. I was so proud of how my first diaper cake turned out, I think it's going to be my new go-to gift! I also put a bottle of wine in the middle for a nice surprise after Marcus is here :) Oh, I almost forgot... LUCKY me I won the raffle at the shower and got a fantastic basket full of Mary-Kay goodies!! 
Diaper cake! Me & baby, Jessica (soon to be momma) and Linds! 
My super cool Mary-Kay gift basket!