Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial day weekend roundup

Jarrod spent memorial day weekend with the boys in Bend, OR. It was time for a boys weekend for him and I'm so glad he got to go and spend the WHOLE weekend with Andy, Noel and Gidley. The first night they went to see Tenacious D which apparently is Jack Black's band (to be honest, I didn't even know this existed haha). They then spent the rest of the weekend playing golf, drinking beers, and hanging out. He had a blast and was very tired when he got home... those boys sure wore him out! 

Brayden and I stayed home and my mom and sister came for the weekend. We did A LOT of shopping, and A LOT of eating really yummy food. For some odd reason, VERY odd reason I didn't take any pictures... (We will have to recreate this weekend soon so I can document it with pictures)! Here is a picture of my sister and mom from a while ago... they just needed to be in the blog post :) I'm so lucky to have them so close and I love spending time with them... (yes, even my sister) haha. It was great weekend and Brayden and I had so much fun! 

Don't I look like I was adopted? haha I promise I'm not :)