Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend roundup May 18 - 20

Friday 5/18: I worked for Anthem college for over 2 years and friday they were having their graduation, which happens twice a year. I knew a lot of the students who were graduating so I packed up the family and we went down for a little while to say hello to everyone! It was good to see everyone, but made me so thankful I get to stay home and watch Brayden grow up... which is happening so fast, I can't even believe it! After graduation Jarrod and I picked up some of our favorite Hawaiian food and headed home to enjoy it while watching Gray's season finale (so disappointing)... and hung out before we crashed from a long week.

Saturday 5/19: Saturday Jarrod's cousin Luke, aunt Pat and mom came up to visit. Luke is going to borrow our 4 wheelers, so we got them out and decided to see if they were working. Mine started right up, but Jarrod's needed some work. Luke and Jarrod took it all apart and did a bunch of crazy stuff to it, but it still wouldn't start. We have passes to take them in so we loaded them up and took them to the Yamaha shop. I haven't ridden my bike since before I was pregnant and just riding it for a second on our street made me really miss it! I think we are going to have to take a camping trip to the beach this summer with them! We took Jarrod's mom out to lunch for a late mothers day present and aunt Pat and Luke joined us... It was really good seeing everyone and getting to spend the day with them. Oh, I almost forgot, we hit up the Beaverton Farmers Market for the first time this year! We are so excited to get all of our produce and fun things from the farmers market!! It's a weekend tradition for sure! 

Sunday 5/20: Sunday we got up early and headed to church. It was a very good service and we got to meet some new people. Brayden loves going to the church nursery and has so much fun. After church we headed back to the house and made a yummy breakfast. Jarrod and I hung out while Brayden took his afternoon nap (I got to read and he got to play his xbox)! After nap time we headed to the library and Costco (one of our favorite places)... Brayden got to play in this really cool car they had... birthday present? 

We are so thankful for the weekends and those few days we get to spend all day together as a family. We look forward to the next one (even though Jarrod will be off for a boys weekend in Bend... I'm sure there will be many fun adventures while he is gone)! 
Brayden at the Yamaha shop sitting on his new quad? (no, no, no)... and at Costco in his new car (maybe)...