Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Walking soon? Fingers Crossed!

So, Brayden doesn't crawl. I know, I know... how can a 10 month old not crawl? But, according to the doctor and after doing a lot of research, it's really not that uncommon. He is 100% on track with everything, but crawling. He can scoot on his bum from one place to another, but he ALWAYS wants to be walking. He's still a little top heavy (I mean he's going to be one smart cookie with all those brains in that big noggin of his) hehe. He's still finding his balance, but he wants to walk everywhere holding on to your fingers. This morning he was walking everywhere with the laundry basket. I really hope he starts walking soon, because maybe then... just maybe, I can get more stuff done around the house :) oh yea, and apparently his really cool jeep walker we got... he's too cool for that and ONLY wants to walk with someone's fingers. This mama's fingers are crossed that we start walking SOON!