Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

It's been such an eye opening mothers day this year. Becoming a mom I feel like I've learned so many things.  I have come to appreciate my mom more then I ever have before. I'm lucky to have grown up in a household with such a strong mom. Growing up she never let us loose focus on our morals and ethics and she wanted us to be the best we could be! She gave me the tools to be the women and more importantly the mother I am today. Thank you mom, for EVERYTHING.  
We stopped by Hood River on Thursday to drop off our puppies and we went to visit Grammie at work! It's so special that Brayden has 2 Grandma's that love him so much and who are so close we can be there in an hour... 

It's not mothers day without mentioning my amazing mother-in-law too. She raised 3 very strong men (which I'm sure wasn't easy) all while staying true to the person she is. She led by example with her work ethic and the love she shows for her boys. Thank you Sue, for bringing my husband into this world!