Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Weekend Roundup : Park, Fair, Family Time & Nike

Happy Labor Day weekend friends! We hope everyone had an amazing weekend. Here is a quick recap of our fun and adventurous weekend...

Friday: We decided to have a picnic at a new park over by our house. We loaded up, Chipotle take-out for dinner and enjoyed the summer weather, even though there was a pesky bee that wouldn't leave us alone. It was such a good way to start off the long weekend!

Saturday : We decided to stay around the house, relax, pick up the house and hang out. It was very relaxing and so enjoyable! We also watched a lot of college football. I forgot to mention on Friday we got our TV back. Jarrod and I haven't had TV (cable or satellite) in over a year, but Jarrod REALLY wanted it for football season so we got it back :) 

Sunday : After Church we headed to the Oregon State Fair and Meagan and Jordan came too! Before we got there though, Jarrod got pulled over for speeding just as we turned out of the driveway... LUCKILY the officer was in a good mood and only gave us a warning... (boy, was that close - 42 in a 25 - double fine for construction zone)! After that, we had a fun time walking around the fair... people watching, eating, drinking, animal seeing, and eating some more! It turned out to be a really fun day. 
Monday : We all headed to the Nike employee store and did some shopping! Our super cool neighbors gave us some passes and we always spend too much money when go. We used to joke all the time that when Jarrod worked at Nike that we would spend his WHOLE paycheck at the Nike store. After we were done shopping we had a yummy lunch and said "farewell" to Uncle Jordan and Aunt Meagan! 
Fun weekend indeed... good family fun!