Friday, September 14, 2012

Reunited at Last!

Since our friend Mallory is here from Arizona, we decided to have a little girls day out. Anna, Mallory and the girls drove in and we met Michelle at McMenamins for lunch. I love when we can all be together, all except Alyssa who had a busy day at work (sad she couldn't make it). After lunch Michelle had a couple meetings at work so the rest of us did a little shopping and headed to my house to hang out. After Michelle finally got off work my AMAZING husband said he would watch all the kids while the girls went to dinner. We had to leave while they were in the bath and before he could change his mind! Dinner was amazing we shared stories and reminisced on some of our crazy adventures. I wished we all lived closer so we could do this weekly instead of yearly... Maybe one day~

Most of you know Brayden doesn't warm up very fast to people, but he sure liked Mal! 
Lunch time with the whole crew...(minus Alyssa, sad she couldn't make it)
Yummy dinner with the girls. Thanks again babe, for watching all the kids!