Thursday, September 6, 2012

Throwback Thursday : funniest video / 04/05 college years

For Throwback Thursday I have finally decided to post one of the funniest videos I've ever seen. I hope it's not JUST funny to me! Here is the back story : When we were a freshman in college (Alyssa and I), living in the Oregon State dorms we used to "study" in our rooms. My roommate was one of my very best friends Alyssa and we have shared some crazy adventures together. Anyway, back to the story... we used to get board easily while studying (I'm sure all of you can relate)... our beds were on stilts because our room was so small we needed more room and in order to have more storage, we made our beds pretty tall... I would say a good 3-5 feet off the ground... While Alyssa was on her bed and I on mine, she had dropped the paper we were studying from and instead of getting off the bed (using the ladder on the left side) she decided to hang over the bed and TRY to grab it... by some random act of impulse I grabbed my camera and was video taping her and captured the funniest thing ever. Take a look for yourself...

I would also like to add the more times you watch it, the funnier it gets. We have laughed at this video for over 8 years now!  

Here are some pictures of us that year as well...

Our super clean dorm room... this is pretty much what it ALWAYS looked like... haha

I will never forget all these car rides...