Friday, September 28, 2012

Baby's first football game... DUCKS

The saturday after our big trip to Illinois we headed to Eugene for the UofO duck game... Jarrod's coworker was officiating the game and gave us 4 tickets. For those of you who don't know, our household is divided, meaning I'm a OSU Beavers fan and Jarrod is a UofO Duck fan... so I was a little reluctant to have the Ducks be his first football game, but I was the bigger person and made the ultimate sacrifice... and agreed. haha. We invited our good friends Caleb and Lindsey and met Jarrod's parents down there too. Brayden LOVED the game and I must admit it was pretty fun... The game was a blowout, but still good. I can't write this post without mentioning... OSU WON TOO! Whoop whoop, we also got to see my cousins who have seasons tickets... Love them! Besides getting rear-ended and running on virtually no sleep after traveling cross country the night before... it was a good time!

I was upset about wearing a yellow shirt... but excited about my Beaver sticker I got to wear on my hand! 

 Jarrod was so excited for Brayden's first football game! 

Team Fogle at the Duck game

Win for Oregon - Win for Oregon State - Couldn't ask for a better night with my boys! 

It was so loud in the stadium, but baby was so sleepy being it was a late game. Sleepy, Sleepy Boy!