Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Storm FUN

Our wish finally came true for this winter! We got our first snow of the year and it was a good one, about 7 inches in all! It seemed like the whole country was getting hit with snow except for us. But thankfully we got a good 3 days of snow and it was so much fun! To say Brayden loved the snow would be the understatement of the century. I think he needs to be on a bobsled team or something because if we let him, he would have slept outside on his sled. Between the snowmen, sledding, snowball fights and park we sure had a fun filled and packed 3 days. Thankfully Jarrod's work closed down so he got an extra long weekend to play with us! But just as fast as the snow came... it left and I'm pretty sure everyday since then Brayden has asked me to either go sledding or "when are all the snowflakes coming back..." Maybe we need to head to Mt. Hood more often!