Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Celebrating the BIG 28

For an early birthday present my wonderful boys surprised me with a beach weekend getaway. I must say it truly was a birthday gift to have such a beautiful day on the Oregon coast (in JANUARY)! Not a cloud in the sky and not one drop of rain, it was a picture perfect weekend in every way. I love spending time with my little family and I couldn't have thought of anything else I would have rather done. There were absolutely STUNNING sunsets and beautiful beach days. Here is a little taste of that amazing weekend...

My actual birthday (which fell in the middle of the week) was amazing as well. My super, terrific, awesome friends surprised me with an early morning wake up call, breakfast and shopping! I can't believe how blessed I am to have such amazing friends and family in my life. My birthday wish is to make this year one of the best yet. To be a better friend and to focus on my relationships just a little bit more. Enjoy the small things in life and to savor my ever growing little boy. I must say I'm truly blessed and I'm so thankful for where I am in life!