Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2 Year Old (and husband) For Sale!

Oh My GOODNESS! Being a parent comes with it's challenges... and one of those challenges is keeping your cool with a 2 year old. Especially a 2 year old boy who sticks plastic sticks in your key ignition which then gets stuck and breaks off inside (which you can't get out) and then you have to call a tow truck and pay a locksmith and car repair shop to get it out. Just for the record... it's Jarrod's fault (haha). Of course Jarrod was on his way out of town for the week and was trying to be a good husband and clean out the car. He said he would take Brayden with him, which he often does because Brayden loves pretending to drive and push the buttons. Somehow Brayden got a hold of (Jarrod's) Starbucks coffee cup stopper (you know those green plastic sticks you use so your coffee doesn't spill) and thought it would be fun to pretend it was a key... well the rest is history and A LOT of $$$ later we now have a car that works... but we also have a 2 year old for sale and maybe a husband too :) I just have to keep telling myself how cute they are... over and over and over again!