Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sleigh Bells Ring... Are You Listening?

Brayden loved everything about Christmas this year. From the presents to the family time, the good food to the decorating. It was so fun to see such joy and amazement on his face. I think Jarrod and I equally loved seeing how excited he was, it's crazy how much joy and love your little kid can bring during the holiday season. Here is a little snapshot of decorating for Christmas and Christmas Morning at home. 

Waiting Patiently for Santa on Christmas Eve... He was pretty excited Santa was going to come down the chimney. The sweetest thing EVER! 

There is nothing better than Great Grandma's Cookies to leave out for Santa! 

Christmas morning Brayden was so excited to come down stairs and see all the amazing gifts Santa brought him. When I was talking to him before we went down I said to him "Brayden do you know what today is..." and his responded with "It's Baby Jesus' BIRTHDAY" it was the cutest thing ever. Jarrod and I want to teach him what the true meaning of Christmas is... sure the presents, food, family and fun is a part of it... but we don't ever want him (or anyone) to forget why we celebrate today. Although I'm pretty sure he thinks Santa is pretty amazing for bringing him this train table :) Two thumbs up for SANTA and Baby Jesus!! 

It's not REALLY Christmas without a crackling fire and Christmas movies ALL day long! 

We are so blessed to have such an amazing life. Happy Holiday's to all of our friends and family!