Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sports Sports Sports! Watching the Pink Dragons...

Friday we headed over to a local elementary school to watch our neighbors/friend's daughter Kayla, play in one of her soccer games... The Pink Dragons did AMAZING! Brayden loved watching all the kids running around and it was so cute to watch all the 5 and 6 year olds run and kick and score goals. Even if Kayla had more fun doing cartwheels, it was still so cute to watch. It's scary to me to see Brayden so intense watching sports... reminds me of someone else I know (Jarrod) haha. There aren't too many people I know who love sports more then him, if there is no "normal" sports on... I swear Jarrod will watch DARTS (who does that)? I think I have not 1 but now 2 sports loving boys in the house... I think I need to go shopping!