Saturday, May 18, 2013

Feeding the Hungry & Worming Our Souls

One thing I love about Jarrod's company is that they love getting involved in the community and helping this less fortunate. Today, we, along with some others from his company volunteered at the local food bank. We have done this many times before and each time is always so gratifying knowing we are helping people just like you and I. I always tell Jarrod that it's good for the soul to help others. On this day we were bagging frozen veggies and here is our stats for the day...

In 2 hours...

Pounds of food : 9,380
Meals : 3,816
Per Volunter : 134 people served 

Anyone can make a difference... and I wouldn't want to spend my Saturday morning any other way. and BIG shout out to the AMAZING aunt Meag for getting up early to spend the morning with Brayden!!