Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Alyssa's Bachellorette Party #1 (yes, there is a #2 coming soon)!

Your friends only get married once... so why not celebrate in STYLE? and that's just what we did in Vegas! I had so much fun with Alyssa, her family and friends! We made so many memories and had so much fun. Here is a little picture collage of some of our adventures!

Day #1 and Flight
     -Drinking our VERY strong whisky and diet cokes
     -Dropping my phone on the head of the sleeping lady in front of us, which bounced off her shoulder and hit the guy next to her while I was trying to take a picture... fail
     -The horrible turbulence and Alyssa not feeling well
     -Me having to go to the bathroom so bad, but couldn't because the pilot would not take the fasten seatbelt sign off
     -Having yummy champaign in the limo ride to the hotel
     -Having yummy drinks at the hotel and people watching (Vegas must be rated #1 in people watching)

Day #2
We spent ALL day at the pool. We stayed at The Mirage where they have a beautiful pool we all got some amazing tans! People were flying in at different times so we had all day at the pool with just Alyssa, Mari-Beth, Jessica and myself. The drinks were so yummy! That night we got dressed up and went to dinner and had drinks and then went to a few bars. I must say it was nice to not have a wild crazy Vegas experience and rather have a relaxing calm(ish) one. Day #2 memories...

     -Enjoying our HUGE drinks at the pool
     -Alyssa receiving a nice little "gift" from an old guy in the casino  
     -Eating yummy chinese food at The Venetian 
     -Not going to the club because we all weren't in heels (their dress code)
     -Having a super late night snack at the pizza place in The Venetian (which didn't even have Dani's pizza) haha... and it literally took FOREVER
     -Getting our spots at the pool taken (A+ for effort Jessica) haha

Day #3
Alyssa and I set our alarms for 8 in the morning to get spots for everyone at the pool, we had good intentions on sleeping by the pool... but NO. Alyssa got a yummy breakfast by a couple guys who were  doing a scavenger hunt for their party. Their task : to buy a shot for a bride to be. I must say it was the BIGGEST shot I've every seen. But they were really nice and it was fun to watch. After spending ALL day again at the pool and starting so early... we decided to all take a quick nap for a few hours to be refreshed for the evening. We had a really fun group dinner at a mexican restaurant and then we had a quick pit-stop at an oxygen bar. 

     -Morning shot by the pool
     -Meeting new friends at the other pool (like our friend Chris)
     -Hanging out at the oxygen bar with our message packs
     -Getting showed up by all the mom's (when they were going to bed when we were getting up)
     -Mari-Beth and Jessica loosing $15 on ONE spin at the slot machines... oops 
     -People watching once again 

Day #3
After almost missing my flight because the line was over 1.5 miles long just to check the bag (not joking) and running through the airport... I got to come home to this amazing little guy (and the hubby) with flowers waiting! I missed them soo much. But I had such a fun time and am so glad I went!

Lovely Vegas Ladies... 

I'm so happy and honored to have been a part of this amazing trip to celebrate Alyssa! Her and I have been friends since the first day of high school and I know we will be life long friends. I'm so excited for her future and I know she will be the best wife and the most BEAUTIFUL bride. I'm ready for round #2 in a few weekends in Sunriver! Keep an eye on Alyssa's BLOG for her Vegas post soon! I'm sure she will have bunch more memories I didn't add...