Saturday, May 18, 2013

MDW (Mother's Day Weekend) & Prom

My second Mother's Day was a great one! It started off with a fun trip to the beach with Jarrod's parents on Saturday. Although it took Brayden a little while to play and run around in the sand, it was still a lot of fun! 

Later Saturday night we all met at the Old Spaghetti Factory to celebrate Jordan's birthday! It was so yummy... and to top it off it was prom at all the local high schools, so we had an amazing time looking at all the beautiful (and revealing) prom dresses! Did I say beautiful dresses? I meant to say "Where were the parents when these kids were choosing these dresses?" My Oh My how times and dresses have changed since I was in school... but it was fun nonetheless. (awww to be 16 again)

On Sunday Jarrod surprised me with a manicure and pedicure at my favorite little spa. I brought Meag along to enjoy it with me! We sipped mimosa's and enjoyed some snacks all while getting pampered! My boys sure are amazing and I absolutely LOVE being a mom! Brayden also colored me this BEAUTIFUL picture in my mother's day card! He's so stinkin' cute! 

Speaking of prom... that weekend was also my little sisters prom! Here she is looking oh so dressed up and fabulous! It's so crazy thinking she's old enough to go to PROM! It seems like she should still be running around in diapers, eating dirt and taking baths in buckets! Sorry sis... Love ya!