Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Roundup : Air Show, Zoo, Park & Pool

What a busy, but oh so fun weekend! We started the weekend (Friday) off at the air show. I'm going to have to do a separate photo post with the awesome pictures I took. Brayden LOVES airplanes right now, and LOVED the air show. We decided to go to the night time show because the weekend was HOT. There were really cool airplanes and an awesome fireworks show which they had choreographed to music. Brayden fell asleep around 10, right before the show and all those fireworks didn't even phase him! (I wish I could sleep like a baby... literally)! 
Monday we met up with Jeremy, Jillian and their friends son Davis at the zoo! Now, if you've been reading my blog for any amount of time you know by now we LOVE the zoo. We had so much fun, we got their before it got hot (and when there was still parking) and left just as it was reaching the 90's. Brayden got to pet goats, see all the animals and he even got a stuffed giraffe to take home! We got some really cute pictures, so I might have to do yet another picture post about this trip. For now you can enjoy a little "preview" :)

Sunday we had a water day! We went to the park with the fountains up the road, headed to the pool and then to dinner. Jeremy and Jillian accompanied us again and we had a lot of fun staying cool in the hot hot weather! I took some really cute pictures on my phone, but lost them all when I synced it to my laptop today grrrr. But, here are a few Jeremy took with his. I also lost a really funny video of Jarrod TRYING to do a backflip off the diving board... oh it was so funny and I'm so mad they are gone! 
We love hanging out with family and friends and this weekend was no exception. Hopefully I can get the picture posts up soon! We can definitely chalk this one up to a great weekend indeed!