Monday, August 20, 2012

Charlie : 1985-2012 You'll forever be missed

While we were at the beach I received a horrible phone call from one of my best friends. When you answer the phone to a phone call like that, it makes your heart beat fast, it makes your stomach turn in knots, you freeze in place, and a million things run through you mind. When I finally got what was going on... I was in shock.

Our dear friend Charlie passed away on Friday 8/10/2012 he was in a car accident on his way to the beach (ironically b/c we were at the beach the same weekend) and was hit head on... he passed away instantly. I've known Charlie since my freshman year of college where we lived in the same dorms together at OSU. Him and his friends became instant friends with me and my friends. I think we spent everyday together that year... all of us and all of them from beach trips to trips to the Enchanted Forest, the hours of poker playing and fun party nights. That year, his friendship soon turned more with one of my dear friends Mallory. They dated all through college... inseparable really. You always knew wherever Mallory was, Charlie would be there too. After college they went their separate ways, but still remained good friends. Charlie was at our wedding, made trips to Hood River, stayed at our house here in Hillsboro and even went to one of my little sisters basketball games. Charlie was the nicest kid you've ever met. He made everyone laugh, held his friends so close and would truly give you the shirt off his back. It makes me so sad to think that the world has lost someone so good hearted and kind. Those people don't come into your life often, but when they do you need to be thankful for the time God has allowed us to spend with them. Over the past few years, I hadn't seen Charlie much... but we would always stay in contact with a quick "hi, how are you" text message or a comment on Facebook.
(Above) Alyssa, Chalie and I at Anna's wedding in Hood River.
(Left) is when Alyssa and I duct taped Charlie up... because he said we couldn't. (Right) is one of our many car rides with Shane and Charlie over to Naaman's house. We spent many nights over there our freshman year. 
(Left) one of the many nights of poker playing (Right) When you gotta go... you gotta go, even if it's at the beach
 Fun beach trip with the whole gang. 
 (Right) one crazy night in mine and Alyssa's dorm room... oh these were some crazy boys! 
(Left) headed to the beach... Chalie forgot his sunglasses... so my extra pair were perfect! (Right) Mal and Chalie on her 21st birthday at our house... never a dull moment with those 2! 
(Left) The boys on the back deck enjoying a nice cigar. (Right) Alyssa and Charlie hanging out in Naaman's room - one of my fav. pictures! 
Friday 8/10 was a sad day... the world lost a really good guy. I truly think he's partying it up in heaven and enjoying watching all of us make a fool of ourselves down here! May you rest in peace, Charlie and like I always say... it's not "good bye" it's... "I'll see you in heaven" we'll miss you forever Char.