Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Roundup : Rose Festival 2012

This weekend we headed downtown and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the 2012 Rose Festival. It's always so fun to go downtown, hang out, people watch and enjoy a walk around the waterfront. This year we were wanting to tour the Navy ships, but the wait time was 3 hours! Waiting 3 hours in a line with a 10 month old... didn't sound like my definition of fun. Instead, we headed into the Rose Fistival, ate some yummy and (incredibly UNhealthy food), people watched, admired the ships from afar. We also enjoyed a nice walk around the whole waterfront. It was a relaxing, fun weekend with just the 3 of us! 

Those are curly fries and deep fried sampler dessert (apples, a twinky AND Oreos)! I hear the gym calling our name!! 

We had to make a quick trip to the mall, before we left Brayden got to ride this cute little fire engine...