Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend roundup (Aunt Ally, playtime & church)

Wow, I haven't done a blog post since last weekend... We must have just gotten too busy. Sorry! We had such a fun weekend. We got some very exciting news... one of my very best friends Alyssa and her boyfriend (now fiancĂ©) got engaged hooray! Alyssa and Naaman have been together since we were freshman in college (8 years ago) man that makes me feel OLD. Alyssa and I have been friends since freshman year of high school and we were roommates our first year at OSU. We have had some pretty wild and crazy adventures, but I couldn't ask for a cooler friend . She is a friend I will cherish forever. I'm so excited for them and can't think of a more deserving couple... they truly are soul mates for sure! Congratulations and I can't wait to watch the wedding plans unfold! Here is a picture of the BEAUTIFUL bride-to-be and her GORGEOUS bling, I mean ring! 

I just had to snap a few pictures of Brayden all dressed up for church. He loves going to Sunday school and he always looks so handsome. I can't believe how fast he is growing up! 

We also had some playtime with grandma and grandpa. Uncle Jordan gave him a ride on his shoulders... Brayden is so lucky to have so much love! 

This weekend roundup is officially complete. As always, it was filled with laughs, fun and a few pictures... Hope everyone enjoys their week!