Monday, June 18, 2012

Bittersweet Fathers day

Fathers day had always been one of those holidays that made me sad. My dad has been gone for a long time now, but it doesn't seem to get any easier. We had such a special bond and I miss him like crazy everyday. Literally not a day goes by that I don't think about him and wish he was here in person to meet Brayden and see all that our little family has accomplished. This year however, it was so much fun and even though dad was in the back of my mind all day, nothing compared to seeing Brayden and Jarrod share that bond that I had with my dad. So it is bittersweet that my dad isn't here to enjoy fathers day with us, but so nice I got to spend it with my boys.

Daddy's little girl

Dad, I'll miss you forever and love you for always... but I have NO doubt that I will see you again. I know you're waiting for us and looking down watching your amazing grandson become a little boy. xoxo