Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ogawa family golf tournament : weekend round up

We made it! With over 12 hours in the car (there and back) we made it on our first family road trip. We headed to Ontario, Oregon to visit the Ogawa family where Jarrod played in the annual Ogawa memorial golf tournament. Brayden did AMAZINGLY well in the car. We stopped about half way both times in Pendelton and had dinner/lunch. He slept most of the time, but played and looked at the other cars and trains on the long trip too. Jarrod loves playing golf and has played with my uncle's the past few years. All the money raised go to high school scholarships in memory of my uncle Kelly who passed away when he was 18 of Leukemia and my dad who passed away as well. Below are pictures of the family and the adventure. I would say our first family road trip was 100% successful! 

Me, Grandma and Brayden - Brayden with aunt Nikki and Uncle Gordy
Brayden Driving, Jarrod eating (post about that soon) - Uncle Tom and aunt Cathy
Brayden and Uncle Jerry - Jarrod and Brayden at the golf tournament