Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend Roundup 4/27-4/29

We had such a fun weekend! On Friday Brayden and I packed up the car and the dogs and met Jarrod at his work... we were off to spend the weekend in Hood River! We were going to celebrate Bella's birthday (she was turning 3)! We were also going to visit some relatives who were down from the Seattle area. Here is our recap...

Friday: Brayden and I met Jarrod at work and drove into Hood River. After saying a quick "hello" to both Grammie and Grandma Fogle we were off to Husum, WA to have dinner with some family. It is so fun to catch up with family you haven't seen in a while and for a few of them it was the first time meeting Brayden!

Saturday: Jarrod went golfing with a few of the boys at 7:30 in the MORNING. Those boys are crazy when it comes to going golfing, but he had so much fun. For Bella's birthday the Belcher's decided to roast a whole pig (in the ground), yes you read that correctly a WHOLE pig. Now none of our friends have ever done this before, but that's how our friends are.. always up for a challenge. Jeremy (Bella's dad) bought a pig from a local butcher, he paid for an 80lb pig... but got a 120lb pig!! That is one big pig! They had put it in the ground to roast at 3am the morning before the party. Needless to say after a great effort and no lack of trying the pig was not quite done when the boys pulled it out of the ground around 5:30pm. BUT, have no fear being from a small town what do you do when something like this happens? You call the local fire department and borrow their homemade industrial size BBQ... and that they did. In no time (about 5 min) the BBQ was at the house getting fired up to finish off cooking the pig. It tasted AMAZING and all thanks to the amazing boys! It's so fun getting together with old friends, celebrating and enjoying each others company and making memories that will last a lifetime!


Sunday: Today we got a lot done. We got back home to Portland at about 11 this morning and after unloading the car we were on a mission to find a refrigerator for the garage. We found one that was an awesome deal right up to road from our house. We spent the day reorganizing the garage and we even started to transform the guest bedroom downstairs into a play room for Brayden. While doing all that I managed to sneak a way for a while and go to the salon with one of my girlfriends and we got manicures and pedicures!! It was such a nice treat. As I write this post Jarrod is playing basketball with one of his friends, I wish there were more hours in the day... especially on fun-filled weekends!