Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter Weekend

Brayden's first Easter was a very special one & a very busy one!
  • We started off the special weekend going to church on Good Friday. Our church always has a Good Friday service and we love going, even if it's at 7pm which is almost Brayden's bedtime. He did very well given the fact he can get a little grumpy when it's getting close to bath and bed. It was a very enjoyable night and it's always amazing to see how many people turn out to celebrate Jesus :)  
  • Saturday we went to the zoo to see the easter bunny with our neighbors Mike, Amanda, Tug (Michael jr) and Sam. The weather was amazing and there were so many people! Jarrod heard on the news there were over 12,000 that went to the zoo that day! As the babies were getting a little fussy we decided to go on the mission to find the bunny! What kind of Easter  would it be if you don't get your picture taken with the bunny? Needless to say we finally found him and got to take a few quick photos with him before the total meltdowns started! The bunny was more like Peter Cottontail, but still very cute! 

  • Sunday after church we invited Jarrod's parents and brother over for an Easter lunch. They drove all the way from Hood River to be with us! They are so sweet! We had a ton of food and it was so yummy! We ate, hung out and chatted outside and ate some more in the nice weather. It was a very fun first Easter as a little family and we are so thankful and greatful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for us! 
Eating Grandma's necklace

Grandma and Grandpa brought a big blow up bunny to play with!