Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weekend Roundup 4/21-4/23

Last weekend was a very long, but very productive one! First things first... it was in the 80's!! We had record high heat for this time of year and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. to say the least. Our neighbors who we have come to enjoy greatly are moving to Tennessee this weekend (sad)... He was offered a job at Nike he couldn't turn down and the process has been super fast for them... in 2 weeks they have put their house on the market, sold their house (3 days later) and are getting ready to pack up their whole family and life and move to Tennessee in 3 days... CRAZY, but we are so excited for them. Anyway, back to why I'm telling you this... We had a double garage sale with them this last weekend and we did some MAJOR cleaning out! It feels so good to get rid of things you just don't need anymore. Jarrod, Brayden and I made almost $700! We were very excited about that. The weather was amazing and even though we were in our front yard, we were still outside! We did go to the park each night as well! Braydn love love love's the swings!

 On Monday Anna and the girls met us for an adventure at the zoo and boy, was it an adventure! Bella, who is 3 (birthday is today!) had never been to the zoo before and she had a blast! I can't talk about the zoo trip without talking about what a bad mom I was... Here goes, before we left the house, which was about 11:30am I didn't want my little guy to burn (because it was 80 degrees) so I put Coopertone Suncreen (for babies) all over him, on his legs, arms, cheeks, neck, ears... you get the point. While we were in the car on the way there he started crying, now Brayden doesn't usually cry in the car, but I didn't think anything of it... he then started screaming... we were close enough to the zoo I just got their as quickly as possible... well when I did get him out, he had rubbed his eyes and got sunscreen in them. This was probably one of the worst things I have ever gone through! He could barely open his eyes and even when he wasn't crying they were watering and tears were streaming down his face nonstop! I felt so bad, I can't even put it into words. We finally held him down and drenched his eyes with a bottle of water and he fell asleep in the stroller... when he woke up, thank God he was all smiles and he could actually see and open his eyes! Those first few hours were ones I would rather forget! Bella on the other hand had a BLAST at the zoo and I'm so glad I got to experience it with her!

Sunscreen in the eyes... Worst few hours EVER! 

After the traumatizing start to the day at the zoo I made a special stop to get Brayden a balloon and tear-free sunscreen! Never again will we be using Coppertone!