Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The time has FINALLY come!

Hello All,

I write you today with a new job title : Full-time Wife and Mommy! Hooray! In the back of my mind I never really thought this day would come. For the past month I have been working part-time at the college helping in this crazy transition. Our department was/is going through some tough changes and I decided to help them out until they found my replacement. Yesterday was my last day and it was very bittersweet... I'm going to miss a few of those "crazies" I worked with over the past 2+ years. But I'm SO EXCITED to be able to watch Brayden grow and change on a daily basis. He makes my life so perfect. What this will hopefully mean for me...
  • More blogging!
  • More cooking & cleaning  
  • A LOT of play time
  • A LOT of zoo time (we will wearing our family pass out)
  • A LOT of park time
  • organizing
  • hopefully back to couponing
... and just working on bettering this already AMAZING little life of ours!
and NONE of this could have happened without the support and encouragement of my amazing husband and Brayden's amazing dada! so once again, Thank You Jarrod for all you do for us!