Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Blazers WIN 11 In a ROW!

The Portland Trail Blazers are on a hot winning streak for sure. We watched them win their 11th straight game against the NY Knicks! We had such a great time with JB Construction (aka The Belcher's). We had a yummy dinner of burgers and wings followed up with some ice cream and carmel corn. I've always been a big blazer fan, but it's so much more fun to watch them when they are winning! Jarrod was getting a little annoyed with all the pictures, but for the most part... he was a good sport. It was also Civil War night so both Bennie the Beaver and Puddle's the Duck were hanging out in the crowd. I'm pretty sure none of the Blazers picked OSU to win the game on Friday, but hopefully we will pull off the upset! I'll chalk last night up to an amazing night topped off with a great win! 

Portland Trail Blazers 102
New York Knicks 91