Monday, November 25, 2013

Stand Up

We were so excited when we found out that our friend Noel was pursuing one of his passions... Stand up comedy! He is the funniest guy any of us know and I must say I wasn't surprised when we heard this is what he was going to start doing (just as a hobby for now). He has done a few bits in Portland, but decided to put on his own show in Hood River and invited all his friends and family. I must say he didn't disappoint! He had such an amazing turn out of supporters, filling a room at the Elks lodge with over 70 people. The person who was suppose to introduce him had to cancel so he asked Jarrod to fill in, but if any of you know Jarrod... he doesn't do public speaking... of any kind. So who stood in... yours truly! I only messed up once and forgot to turn on the microphone... but it made for a good first joke and entry :) We are all so excited to see where this takes him and follow this journey of his. He has our support 100% and we wish him nothing but luck in this fun adventure!