Monday, November 25, 2013

Aunty Meag Turns the BIG 24

Last week we celebrated Meagan's birthday! With our crazy busy schedule we have been wanting to have them over for dinner for a while now. What better time than her birthday? We invited Jarrod and Jordan's grandparents over since we haven't seen them in a while. Meagan choose italian for dinner so I made a fettuccine pasta bar (I totally spaced taking pictures) but I made the pasta and set out all different kinds of toppings (chicken, shrimp, sautéed mushrooms and veggies) and you could build your own personalized pasta. It's a really fun dinner to have when you're not too sure what people like. Brayden helped me make a brownie cake and he was so excited to sing the "Happy Birthday Song" and help Meagan blow out her candles. Brayden loves his aunt Meagan so much and we are so excited for her to be a "permanent" fixture one day :) We hope she has the best year yet!