Monday, October 29, 2012

Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza

Ok, maybe not a pumpkin carving extravaganza... but fun family memory for sure. Now that Brayden is interactive this halloween we thought it would be fun to have him paint his first pumpkin. Although it only lasted about 3 minutes, I think he really enjoyed those couple minutes... until he got bored and wanted to go play. Here are some shots of our fun morning. (Pictures of mine and Jarrod's carved pumpkins coming soon!). 

Brayden's Final Product! The very first pumpkin painting... a success!

Our Little Walrus at the Zoo

Being such a dedicated "zoo-going" family, what better way to enjoy the sights, sounds and rain on this Halloween weekend then at the zoo?! I decided to dress Brayden up as a Walrus this year, you can see pictures from Brayden's first Halloween (as a duck) right here! Uncle Jordan and Aunt Meagan met us there and we had so much fun walking around the zoo and seeing all the other kids in their costumes... The zoo had a scavenger hunt and treats at the end. Brayden's walrus costume sure was a hit and people were stopping and wanting to take pictures of him and "awww look at the walrus" I think we heard a million times! I must say so myself he is the cutest walrus I've EVER seen :) It's so funny he gets so excited to put on his costume and then he has a nonstop smile on his face the whole time. It's so much fun seeing him get so excited and we are practicing our "trick or treat" for Wednesday, stay tuned for that! Enjoy our cute little walrus! 

Oh, I almost forgot we got to see the giraffes eating pumpkins! It's so funny how they spread their legs really wide to bend down and eat... one of the highlights for sure! 

Little Football Fanatic

It's crazy to see how fast Brayden is growing and learning and his interests are changing by the second. Right now he is obsessed with football! He runs around the house yelling "TOUCH DOWN" with his arms up in the air and every time he sees it on the television he starts screaming and yelling at the screen (I have no doubt he's imitating his father, haha). I'll have to try and remember to record it next game... But, we decided to take him to Buffalo Wild Wings and he loved it. It was sensory overload for sure, but he loved it... sports on every screen and he didn't know which one to watch. By the time we got in the car, we had one tired little football fan. 

Rice Krispie Treats

Fun Family activity for Friday night... making halloween rice krispie treats... Black and Orange pumpkins and ghosts. I love spending quality time with these 2 boys! 

U of O Game & Pumpkin Cookie

Saturday we helped Jordan (Jarrod's youngest brother) and Meagan (Jordan's girlfriend) move into their new place. Meagan recently got a job in Portland and we are so excited for them to be so close! After we were done helping them we went to lunch and Bradyden got this super cute pumpkin cookie... Jarrod obviously got him dressed this day, but he was so excited about his cookie and to say "cheese" for the camera! He does make the cutest little duck fan... 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Adventures with The Belcher Girls

Last week I had to take one of my friends to the airport... at 6:30 in the morning, oh the things you do for friend :) Instead of sitting in morning rush hour traffic on the way back home, we headed to Hood River for the day to hang out with the Belcher girls. Bella recently started preschool so Brayden and I helped drop her off. She wanted us to come in so she could show Brayden all of her school work. It was a fun day and always an adventure when all the kids are together! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Patch #3 Rasmussen Farms

Sunday we decided to go to our 3rd pumpkin patch. In Hood River there aren't too many pumpkin patches, but Rasmussen's farm is kind of a family tradition. I can remember going there when I was little and for field trips in elementary school. My mom, sister and my sister's boyfriend met us at the farm and we explored the pumpkin fun zone, the maze and the little farm market. We love when our family and friends join us on our adventures! After about a half hour The Belcher family and Alyssa joined in on the fun. We had a nice little photo shoot and had so much fun! To finish up the amazing weekend, the boys took ALL the kids (and watched football) and Alyssa, Anna and I got to enjoy a 3 hour lunch and I'm sure it could have lasted another 3, so thank you boys for that! Now for the fun part... this is a really big photo post... so get ready... get set... GO!