Sunday, April 8, 2012


1st Halloween & Pumpkin Patch

I have never really been a huge fan of Halloween, that is until I met my husband. He LOVES Halloween. He loves dressing up, handing out candy, decorating our house and scaring little kids... This year was a little different, much more low key and relaxing. We dressed Brayden as a duck (no, no, no NOT the U of O kind... the cute little quack quack duck)... isn't he soooooo cute?

Happy Halloween!
1st Thanksgiving
This year we had SO many things to be thankful for. I think I can speak for both Jarrod and myself when I say that we never really took Thanksgiving very serious, but this year... we were so thankful that Brayden has come into our lives. We are so thankful to our family and friends who have stuck by our side through all of our triumphs and challenges. 

This year we decided to have our "First Annual" (haha) friends Thanksgiving! We are so lucky and blessed to have such amazing friends! We will FOREVER be thankful!

1st Christmas
This little boy has so many people that love him it's crazy. Brayden got so spoiled for his first Christmas it was out of control! We had 4 different Christmases this year. My mom's and brother's dad's... Grandma and Grandpa Fogle's, Our own little family one and Great-grandparents Jimmy and Charlies Christmas. We are so thankful for all of the gifts, but will never forget the TRUE meaning of Christmas.

We tried to be "crafty" with our Christmas picture set...
Doesn't he look so cute...
This is what our "crafty" set REALLY looked like!
Thank goodness for those few that turned out for the Christmas card!
Meeting Santa 

Christmas Morning... Look what Santa Brought me!!
Lexi enjoying the Christmas Morning fire :)
Happy Birthday baby Jesus! 
Easter Coming Soon...