Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary : Eeeek 5 years!

July 21st (same day as the 1st Birthday Bash) and exactly one year after bringing Brayden home from the hospital, Jarrod and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Our marriage hasn't been picture perfect, I don't think too many are. But, I wouldn't change a thing. We are happier, stronger as a couple and better people because of all the things we have gone through.

Lets take a look back at that amazing day...

The lyrics to our wedding song "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong
Because my mom was in town for Brayden's birthday, we asked her to stay and watch him while we went out to dinner and a movie. We had already had a big day with the birthday and all. We decided to go to one of our favorite restaurants PF Changs and do a little shopping. As we were at dinner enjoying each others company and reflecting on our previous year (like we do every aniversary) we also talked about how tired we were! So needless to say, we ditched the movie and were home by 10:30!! My mom thought it was quite amusing we were home so early haha. 

Here is to another amazing year with the most amazing husband