Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1st haircut : bye bye curls

Jarrod and I decided to do what so many people have waited for... we got Brayden's hair cut! Now, Brayden has had some pretty crazy hair, for quite some time... some people have referred to his hair as looking like a "one sided mullet" and having "little Jewish boy hair", but we always stood by and said we wanted to wait until his 1st birthday. We took him to a super cute kids haircut place called Pigtails and Crewcuts. Here, you get to sit in fire engines, police cars, airplanes or trucks while getting your lovely locks trimmed. We thought this place couldn't be any better... but it was a very traumatic experience to say the least. 

We set Brayden in the police car, the lady throws the apron over him and starts going to town... he is screaming like someone is torturing him for classified information! She didn't want us to get him out and we did everything we could think of to calm him down... suckers, candy, bubbles, you name it... we tried it. After it was all over we had a very traumatized baby and pretty cute haircut. I didn't think one haircut would change his appearance as much as it did! 

Needless to say, we won't be getting a haircut in the near future! Thank goodness there is only ONE first haircut! 

Before & After

