Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1st Birthday Day

Even though Brayden's birthday was on a Wednesday, I still wanted to make it special (not that he's going to remember, but my philosophy is you only turn one once)! So I got a bunch of balloons and put them in his room, so when he woke up he got a fun surprise! By the way, Brayden LOVES balloons!

So as you saw in the previous post... Anna, Bella & Lou Lou came to stay the night so they could hang out with Brayden and I for his actual birthday day! We decided to pack a lunch (along with some cupcakes & party hats) and head to the zoo in the morning. Brayden loves the zoo and we love getting a lot of use out of our zoo membership too! We looked at animals, took pictures, had lunch and ate cupcakes!

After the zoo the girls headed home, Jarrod got off work and we had MORE cake... this boy was on a sugar high and then on a CRASH!

Here is a little letter I wanted to write for Brayden so he can always remember his first birthday...

Dear Brayden,
I can't believe you're one year old! I never imagined one little boy would change our lives the way you have. I can't imagine my life without you and fall more and more in love with you each day. You are growing, learning and exploring so much, I can beraly keep up with you. My hope for you as you grow up is to never forget who you are, where you came from and the unconditional love I have for you. I'm so excited to see where the next year takes us and the adventures you take us on. I feel so blessed to have you as my son and thank God everyday for you. Here are a few things you like at age one... 
  • laughing
  • blueberries
  • airplanes 
  • balloons
  • music & dancing
  • winking at the ladies at the grocery store
  • paddy cake 
  • watching for "Dada" out the window when he gets home from work
  • going to the pool
  • swinging 

I wish I could slow time down, but I know that's not going to happen so I want to remember, cherish and hopefully one day look back at all these adventures together. I love you with all my heart! 

Always & Forever, 
Your Mommy