Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Santa Visit and Our Toddler Negotiation

Being 2 years old comes with some challenges... like "stranger danger" and random fit throwing. I had been trying to prep Brayden all day about how we were going to see Santa and he would sit on my lap and practice telling me what he wanted for Christmas... He was so excited to see Santa. Buuuuut of course when we get there, he decides he's deathly afraid of him, didn't want to talk to him and just wanted to cry and freak out. Thankfully we were the only ones there so we took our time and tried everything... Santa even left so Brayden could sit in his chair without him! After a lot of "toddler negotiating" he agreed to sit on my lap while I sat on Santa's lap... after a few minutes I decided to make a dash and "throw/set him quickly" on Santa's lap (at this point, I just wanted a picture and didn't care what it looked like). After he was sitting on his lap for a while (not crying) he refused to crack any smile whatsoever... We finally got him to crack a few towards the end with some tickling and funny faces. He loves the thumbs up and it turned out to be my favorite. While we were choosing our pictures, he just sat and talked with Santa and finally told him he wanted a Choo Choo Train for Christmas. Our "toddler negotiating" involved frozen yogurt before dinner so when we got our perfect shot it was off to frozen yogurt (which was right across the way) and in true toddler form, when we were finished he had to run over and tell Santa all about how yummy it was :) I love this boy so much... even if he keeps us on our toes at all times! 

Flashback to last years Santa visit... 2012

Double flashback to our first Santa visit 2011