Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brayden's Blazer Game Extravaganza

Friday we did something Jarrod and I both have been looking forward to since the day we found out we were having a boy almost 3 years ago... We took Brayden to his first Blazer game!! He had so much fun and was so excited. I think it was everything Jarrod dreamed of and more... Brayden was so good and was no doubtably the cutest Blazer fan EVER. 

Earlier that day we went shopping and he got to pick out his first jersey and we couldn't leave the store without his new Blazer hat he had to have. We had an extra ticket so we decided to invite our super cool and longtime friend Kyle to go with us. Brayden loves his uncle Kyle! Between the hotdogs and popcorn the cheering and the jumbotron Brayden made friends with our whole section... Waiving and cheering, laughing and putting on the charm with everyone around. It was so fun to watch and everyone loved him! We even made a sign and our section helped us get on the jumbotron during one of the timeouts. It was truly an unforgettable night. The icing on the cake? The Blazers blew the Utah Jazz out of the water of course!


I almost forgot... one of the cutest moments was when we were all standing during the National Anthem and Brayden put his hand over his heart and was silent during the whole thing (and if you know Brayden... that doesn't happen often). I'm so proud of the little boy he is becoming and it's crazy the amount of unconditional love we have for this kid. This was the first Blazer game... but I have a feeling there is many more in this little guys future! GO RIP CITY! 

Brayden was the cutest thing ever during the National Anthem... photo credit to Uncle Kyle! 

Brayden even got this cool certificate as a keepsake of his first game! He was so happy!