Monday, October 21, 2013

Rachel's Senior Pictures

This weekend made me really see firsthand how fast time goes by (and it made me feel REALLY old). I took my sisters SENIOR CLASS PICTURES! Being 10 years older then her she's still the little baby who was eating dirt, refusing to take a bath if it wasn't in a bucket on the deck and only wanting to eat mac & cheese breakfast, lunch and dinner. I can't believe she's off to college next year! I told my mom that I would take her pictures and thought that would be a fun graduation present for her. They turned out really cute and we were all really happy with them! Here are just a few of my favorites :) 

I'm so excited to see which college she picks and what her future holds. I'm confident she will make the right choices and be successful in the years to come. Congratulations Ray and enjoy your last year of being a kid!