Monday, October 14, 2013

Potty Training Time

Warning : Potty Picture Coming 

If you are a parent you know that this a HUGE milestone in not just your child's life, but yours as well! I mean in my book, this is up there with driving and even your first kiss... Haha. I knew that I wanted to start potty training as soon as we were home from Hawaii. I have done a lot of research, but it's true what they say... you have to do what works for your child. With just a little trial and error Brayden took to potty training like a champ! He's only been at it for about a week now and he goes #1 most of the day... (still working on #2) haha. With the help of some m&m's and his "good job" sticker chart he's doing AMAZING! I'm one proud mommy! 

Like father... Like son. A little Sports Illustrated while waiting. Brayden, please don't hate me for posting these when you're older... I'm sure your girlfriends will think you're as adorable as I do!