Monday, April 8, 2013

What's up Doc...

Last week I had to take Brayden to the doctor for an outer ear infection... Being his first ear infection, it freaked me out... but we couldn't get into our regular doctor so we saw a different doctor who practices at our clinic, Brayden was not a fan of this doctor and did not want to be touched... I calmed him down with a sucker (yes, I bribe my child in certain situations... don't judge) haha but when the doctor left the room, Brayden was not being a very good listener AT ALL so this is him sitting in "time-out"... for some reason I feel him sitting in "time-out" with a sucker defeats the whole purpose of time-out... I'm pretty sure he thought the some thing too!

After his appointment we were both tired and hungry so we grabbed some lunch... I must say I had the most handsome little lunch date EVER. 

Ps. Our weird ear infection is GONE GONE GONE!