Monday, April 8, 2013

Live - Laugh - Love & Drink

This weekend Jarrod and I decided to head back to Hood River to see our friends and family. We haven't been back in a while and our schedule is quickly filling up so what better time then now? We planned a girls night out with 2 of my closest friends Anna and Alyssa! We did a little drinking at the Naked Winery where we listened to live music and I actually found a wine I LOVE! Now, if you know me at all, I'm not a big drinker and REALLY not a big wine drinker, but I got hooked on Booty Call (yea, that is the real name) haha. When us 3 girls are together you never can tell what might go on and this was no exception. We always pick up right where we left off and literally act like no one else is around (sometimes we get a little loud with our girl talk... sorry to everyone around us) :)

After wine, we had dinner, drinks and good conversations... I hope one day we all live close enough to make this a weekly event! Love you girls!

"sorry we were talking so loud... I thought we were the only ones here" -Me

Memory List:
Talking a little loud on the couches at the Winery & Roseaurs
Anna doing her yoga pose at dinner
Alyssa and I doing wall sits (1 min) at River Tap
Peer Pressure drinks
Alyssa texting Jarrod
The boys being mad we came home
Cookies shaped in "interesting" shapes
Laughing so hard we cried