Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ogawa Visit (Wedding Prep)

Last week my cousin flew in from Hawaii to do some wedding planning and family visiting. We had planned to be in Ontario at the same time to see everyone. Here is some of our Ontario adventures...

We headed out on an 8am flight... which meant we had to be up at 4:30 in the morning! Brayden was such a trooper and we found some really cool things to play with in the airport... Brayden is such a good traveler and had such a good time.

Family Time
We love visiting with the Ogawa's and this time was no exception. 

Whole Foods
Grandma really wanted to go and check out the new Whole Foods in Boise. One of the days Aunt Nikki, Jena, Grandma and I went to explore and did some wedding decoration shopping. Here is Jena and Grandma eating lunch at Whole Foods.

Snow Day
One of the days we woke up to snow! All the other days were BEAUTIFUL sunshine so it was a little unexpected, but Brayden loved it!

Game Night
Nothing beats family game night! Apples to Apples and "Japanese Train" dominoes. Of course I always win :)

Visiting Grandpa and Great-Grandpa
We can't go to Ontario without stopping by to say to our family who is waiting for us in heaven. It was so cute to see Brayden say "hi" and for Grandma to try and explain to Brayden that they were in heaven. Although Brayden is much to young to understand I loved seeing this.

Jena's Bridal Shower
Sunday Leslie (Jena's sister) threw Jena a bridal shower it was super cute and we are getting so excited for her Hawaii wedding!

Booking Hawaii Trip
It was nice having Jena around to help us book our trip to Hawaii! We have officially bought our airline tickets and will be there for 10 days! I'm so excited and looking forward to this trip... can it be September yet? We can only pray Brayden is as good on this flight as he was on all of his others!

Brayden's new friend
"Nena" is Brayden's new favorite friend... that's for sure. They had so much fun together and Nena sure spoiled him. Wish she lived closer so we could hang out all the time... maybe I can convince Jarrod to move to Hawaii?!

Daddy & Baby time
Brayden and Jarrod got a lot of time together while I was doing wedding stuff. One day they went to the zoo in Boise and another they went to the park and out for ice cream. I love when they get to spend quality time together. Here is their fun time at the zoo...

Somethings that we didn't get too many pictures of, but didn't want to forget...
-Sunday Church with Grandma 
-Wedding dress purchase : Jena looked soooo BEAUTIFUL and I'm so excited for Ray to see her! 
-Bridesmaid dress purchase : so excited to wear this super cute coral dress... and Brayden is going to look so cute as the ring bearer! 

We couldn't have asked for a better trip! What's life without family?