Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Choo Choo

The other morning after our shower... I thought Brayden was being a little quiet in his room... I walked in to see him having so much fun on his train and telling me he was "ONE"... this kid is a kick in the pants to say the least!

Just a boy and his dogs

I caught this candid moment the other morning while I was cooking breakfast. I know Lexi and Nalla put up with a lot... but Brayden loves them so much.


Brayden and I found this really cool map of the United States... so what better way to have some fun? We pretended to be airplanes and fly across all the states. haha. Oh the adventures we have!


Jarrod turned 28 last week (St. Patrick's day to be exact) and we celebrated all weekend! We had a wonderful family breakfast and his parents came in to take us all to lunch (Jarrod picked BWW... of course) and then our little family headed to the zoo... I can't believe he's 28! I remember when he was celebrating his 21st birthday... and I had to stay home because I wasn't old enough to go out! My where does the time go, but I know this is year is going to be a great one for our family. I'm so proud of my husband and hope nothing but his dreams come true! xoxo

I smell SPRING time

I love the fact that the weather is turing into spring, the trees and flowers are starting to bloom and Brayden and I can get out of the house for some fun spring adventure. A while back we headed to the local library where they have a beautiful duck pond and walking trials... this is how we spend the beautiful afternoon.... A little lunch picnic while basking in the beautiful sunshine!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Beach Shenanigans 2013

We finally put Jarrod's mad basketball skills to good use a couple weekends ago. If you remember for Jarrod's Christmas present I got him tickets to a blazer game... where he won us a trip (you can refresh you memory here). We invited some of our friends to this super cool beach house we rented. Growing up a lot of people loose touch with old friends because it's so hard to get caught up in life... We are lucky enough to have some amazing people around us and couldn't have asked for a better trip... with just a few hiccups (Lou almost drowning, Alyssa's iphone getting washed out to sea and Meagan chipping her tooth on a beer bottle) it was an amazing time with AMAZING friends. Some of the positive memories I will keep forever (Anna trying to use a jet-tub, celebrating Jake's birthday, winning at the craps table with Noel and Alyssa... and having a hard time finding the perfect slot machines, getting introduced to Rummikub, becoming a pro at flip-cup, all of the Big Foot stories and watching Jake and Jordan play drinking games with chocolate milk). Times like these keep me grounded about what's important in life... nothing beats a good beach trip with friends.