Sunday, December 30, 2012


For Christmas this year I got Jarrod tickets to the Blazer vs. Spurs game. Our good friends Anna and Jeremy came with us too. Here is how the night went... When we got into the game a guy stopped Jarrod (picture below) I thought he was trying to sell us something, but come to find out he was looking for people to participate in one of those timeout games (you know the ones to make the crowd stay involved during timeouts) so with a little convincing I talked Jarrod into doing it. After sprinting down the court, putting on extremely tight/oldschool basketball uniforms, missing a lay up and another attempted shot he FINALLY put in his ball first and WON us a trip to the beach! It was a very fun and eventful night and a game we won't soon forget! Good company and a free trip, doesn't get much better then that. Oh yea... BLAZERS WON TOO!