Monday, February 24, 2014

Wine and Snow

A lot of times I take for granted growing up in Hood River and being able to come back whenever we want. It is seriously so beautiful everywhere you look. This past weekend we headed back and I had a little impromptu wine tasting with some of my favorite girls. I'm working really hard at acquiring my taste for wine... I can handle white wine pretty well, but still working on that red! It's always so fun to hang out with the girls and catch up on life. Alyssa and I also started planning our trip to Seattle! (More of that to come soon)!

Brayden has been asking to go sledding like everyday since the snow all melted. Jarrod and I thought that it would be fun to take him up to the mountain to go sledding. We usually go to Little Jon's, but we were really disappointed at how little snow there was. After we made a few runs we decided to head up to Mt. Hood Meadows and play up there... my oh my was it busy. Brayden sure did love hanging out up there tho... watching all the skiers and snowboarders, it was a picture perfect day and we are hoping to have B take ski lessons maybe next year :) Time will tell, but one thing's for sure he LOVES snow!!