Monday, February 24, 2014

A Lot of Sushi and a Little OMSI

Sushi! If you know me at all, you know I'm Japanese... but you also know that I'm not big on seafood or really fish at all. I know, I know... that's like being an Asian outcast haha, but my cousin was in town and him, his girlfriend and Jarrod LOVE sushi so we found this amazing sushi restaurant. I love veggie sushi and will eat avocado and cucumber rolls all day... but this little restaurant had delicious food as well. Below is a picture of Jarrod who loves sushi, but had never tried uni (sea urchin) and this was his first time... besides his face, he said he liked it and would probably try it again. He's such an adventurous eater :) Here is the website if you're ever in the Hillsboro area and are looking for some good Japanese food Syun Izakaya

The next day we headed to OMSI. We had never taken Brayden there and my cousin had two 10 year old boys with him so we thought that would be a great place to run off some energy. There is so much to see and do it's crazy. Needless to say we were there for quite a while and still didn't get to everything. This mama needed a nap after we were done... but we all had a good time.