Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Saying goodbye to grandpa Oren

This past weekend we got to pay our respects and say goodbye to grandpa Oren. Grandpa passed away  the beginning of May, you can read about it here in a recent blog post I did. We love getting together with family, but under such sad circumstances it's always hard. Jarrod's mom and aunt hosted a very nice BBQ for friends and family of grandpas. We had dinner, looked at pictures, shared stories, spread his ashes and enjoyed the company of everyone who was close to him. They had friends and family in town as far away as southern Arizona! We took lots of picture to capture the day...

yard games... 
All the Fogle boys! 

The pie on the fridge... Lexi dog somehow ate 1/2 of it... BAD dog Lexi! 

Planting a hydrangea in honor of grandpa and spreading his ashes. 

Going to spread the rest of the ashes at the tree they planted for Grandma Nella when she passed away.

All the cousins... poor Michelle is the only girl!
 Jarrod wanted to write a tribute to his grandpa, who he loved so much. He put a lot of thought and heart into it and did such a great job. With all of his ideas and a little editing and word changing on my part, it turned out great...

There is no amount of words that could ever fill this page or enough words in my heart to describe one of the greatest men I have ever known. A true legend has passed; however, his legacy will live on in each of us.

It started for me when I took my first breath and was welcomed into this world, grandpa and grandma were there to greet me, love me and teach me until the very end.

I can still picture grandpa sun-bathing in the driveway while letting me play for countless hours, I remember him taking me out to dinner with his friends, helping me ride my bike, teaching me how to drive a tractor, how to change the brake pads on my first car and he taught me to master the art of cribbage. As I stand here today I can recall countless memories of family gatherings, vacations and visits I wouldn’t want to end. I always longed for the days of his arrival and loved spending every second I could with him. I hated watching him pull away.

A hero is defined as a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities… and that is what he was for me. I have always looked up to and admired his many attributes that made him a great man… his work ethic was second to none, his quiet yet stern domineer, short but powerful stature, strong will and determination are just a few characteristics that I admire. Only the people close to him (all the people here today) knew the other side of him as well. The family man, father and father-figure, and the grandpa you know would do anything for the ones he loved, the caring and softhearted side. I am so blessed that I had you in my life for as long as I did.

Everyone has things in life they indulge in and love, things that make you unique. Here is what makes you… you; the essential toothpicks used over and over again, even if it had ear wax all over it, the old school trucker snap back ball caps, the necessary overalls on even the hottest days, watching Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune and Alex Trebek on Jeporday. Your favorite “fine-dinning” restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken, white cheddar mac and cheese, your infamous dually pickup trucks which later turned into your Lincoln town car, ice road truckers, watching the news religiously and the quintessential lawn mowing and sometimes excessive watering.

I can only hope that I as move forward in life, I can look back and be half the man you were, I hope to teach my family all the things you have taught me while leading by example… how to be an amazing father, grandfather and mentor. You will never be forgotten, replaced or lost in memories. I have faith that it’s not goodbye, it’s I’ll see ya later. We will always love you and may you forever rest in peace.