Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Grandpa Oren 1921-2012

While we are the beach over mothers day, we got a very sad call. Jarrod's grandpa had passed away on Saturday night, he was 91 years young. He passed away of natural causes and Jarrod's mom, aunt and his sister got to be with him. The family had an idea this may be coming, but it was still such a sad day for everyone.

Jarrod and his grandpa have always had a very strong bond (Jarrod is his first grandchild). I know Jarrod has looked up to Oren throughout the years, asking for advice, admiring his work ethic and his passion for life. Jarrod would try and call grandpa at least once a month to check in... they would talk mostly about the weather, but it was still nice to her from him. We are so thankful that Brayden got to meet and hang out with grandpa Oren twice. The most recent trip was just a month ago when he came to visit with his sister... I wrote about it in this post Oren and Opal are here to visit!

Grandpa Oren, you will truly be missed... but we know you're in heaven watching down on us and we are sure to meet again. May you rest in peace.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

You can view his obituary here