Thursday, November 8, 2012

Zoo : With the WHOLE Belcher Family

First off, I apologize baby and I have been under the weather so my blog got put on the back burner... but have no fear we are back up and running! 

Weekend Roundup:  Zoo Trip with the Belchers! 

Jeremy (Anna's husband) runs his own construction business, so he doesn't get to join in on all the fun things we do here in Portland because he's working. This past weekend the whole Belcher clan came in and we got to enjoy the weekend with them. We took total advantage of this opportunity and what would a Fogle weekend be without a visit to our favorite place... the ZOO! We have never been to the zoo with everyone from both families! It was so much fun eating cotton candy, elephant ears, enjoying the sights and sounds of all the animals and watching the kids be crazy :) 

Because it was a Sunday... Jarrod was on Fantasy Football the WHOLE time :) Gotta love football season. 

These 2 are a kick in the pants! 

This about sums our trip up! We had a lot of fun with the Belchers and we were so happy that Jeremy got to join in this time!