Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Giving Thanks 2013

Awwww Thanksgiving. A time to give thanks, reflect on what is really important in your life and a time to celebrate all the things that make you happy and have gotten you to that place. I feel like the speed of life sometimes gets away from us and we need to slow down... appreciate what we have and be thankful for it. Sometimes I think it's crazy that we have to have an excuse like a holiday to stop and take a moment to reflect and give thanks. This year I'm thankful for so many things. For the love and support of family and friends... having a healthy and happy, crazy 2 year old running around like a crazy person... being married to my best friend and partner in everything... I'm thankful that I get to spend each day watching Brayden grow into an amazing, smart, handsome, funny little boy... I'm thankful and so blessed to live this amazing life of mine. So with that, here's a snapshot of our Thanksgiving weekend. 

I woke up pretty early Thanksgiving morning to this amazing sunrise from my parents living room (I'm also thankful for God's creations... like this magnificent image)

I headed to the Mosier Tunnels for an early "Turkey Trot" 5k with one of my favorites! It was suppose to be a group effort, but it turned into just the 2 of us... but I was ok with that. Alyssa and I have been such good friends for so long, sometimes it's fun just to hang out the 2 of us and catch up... our conversations always pick up right where they left off... it's like we never skip a beat. She is one friend that I'm so thankful for. There is no one else I would have rather done this cool, crisp Thanksgiving morning 5k with. Alyssa posted about our Turkey Trot Fun too! I think next year we'll be dressing like turkeys :) 

After the run we enjoyed some quality family time and a yummy dinner with picture perfect apple pie thanks to my wonderful mamma. I also got a very funny snapchat from my cousin Matt. It looks like the Ogawa's had a perfect Thanksgiving too. Being so close to the Ogawa's makes me so thankful that even though my dad has been gone for so many years, they are still a big part of my life... and Brayden's too. I'm also thankful that my mom did such an amazing job raising me... Maybe at the time I didn't appreciate it, but now as a mom myself I'm so grateful for her (and her cooking too :)! 

It looks like someone had a fun day and a full belly! 

I hope your thanksgiving was as wonderful as ours and I'm going to try and be a little more thankful each day.